André Luiz Soares Costa

Holds a Law degree from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), having also studied Economics at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Member of the Commission of Environmental Law of the Brazilian Bar Association (2008/2010). Served in the public sphere as senior legal-advisor in the Municipal Foundation João Goulart and as legal advisor in the Government Secretariat of the Rio de Janeiro for the State Attorney’s Office. For the last years, he has acted as a representative for the International Chamber of Commerce, in the branch of Infrastructure. Speaks English, French, German and Spanish.

Carlos Eduardo Monteiro

Holds a Law degree from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Master in Law from New York University (NYU). Member of the Arbitration Chamber of BOVESPA. Attorney for the Central Bank of Brazil for 30 years. He was the assistant Attorney-General for the National Treasury, Attorney-General for the Central Bank of Brazil, Legal Director and President of the “Nossa Caixa” Bank, Executive Director of Safra Bank, Director of EMGEA (Brazilian Asset Management Company). Legal and Ombudsman Director of Pan Bank, member of the BM&FBovespa’s Board of Market Supervision, member of the Boards of Administration for SEBRAE-SP, Nossa Caixa Mapfre Pension and Insurance, São Paulo’s State Insurance Company and São Paulo’s State Bank, member of the Fiscal Boards of BNDES
Participações, IBI Bank. Terracap and CBEE, member of the Audit Boards of the BB-Mapfre Group and member of the Board of Directors of FEBRABAN. Speaks English.

João Pedro Camarão Tavares

Holds a Law Degree from Candido Mendes University (UCAM). Experienced lawyer in the litigation field for 14 years. Lato Sensu specialization in Business Law from Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV). Master of Laws (LLM) in Litigation from Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV) and Master in Economical and Developmental Law from University Candido Mendes (UCAM). Studied in extension programs in Civil Liability (Superior Institute of the Public Prosecutor’s Office – ISMP), Capital Market Law (PUC-RIO) and Civil Litigation Law (FGV). Official member of Commission of Civil Litigation and Administrative Law for the Brazilian Lawyers’ Institute (IAB) since 2016. He was a legal consultant for the Italian Society of Benefits and Mutual Help (SIBMS) for 5 years. He is, since 2010, a legal consultant for INBRACULTMODE – Brazilian Institute of Culture, Fashion and Design. Speaks English, Spanish and Italian.

Octávio Rezende

Consultant. Holds a Law Degree from Candido Mendes University (UCAM). Acted as a Judicial Expert for the Business Courts of the State of Rio de Janeiro. Was Legal translator for the Criminal Courts in the State of Florida – USA. Studied Gemology in the Gemological Institute of America and Gemological Institute of Israel. Speaks English, Spanish, French and Hebrew


Leonardo Monteiro Costa

Intern. Studying Law in the Brazilian Institute of Capital Markets (IBMEC). Speaks English and Spanish.

Renata Cardoso da Rocha Pinto
