Focused on Civil Special Justice Courts, the Law 13.994, published onApril 24 th , 2020, allows conciliation hearings to be done virtually,through videoconference. This Law alters the Law 9.099/95, thatdetermines the procedures for Civil Special Justice Courts andCriminal Justice Courts.
Category Archives: News
The President of Rio de Janeiro’s Justice Court, Judge Claudio deMello Tavares, has signed the Normative Act number 14/2020, fromMay 14 th , 2020, which determines the extension of the suspension ofjudicial deadlines until May 31 st , 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.This extension includes both physical and electronical Lawsuits.
The Public Prosecutor’s office of Rio de Janeiro and the PublicDefender’s Office were able to achieve a ruling that determines theunblocking and the effective availability of every ICU/SARS from theState and Districts of Rio de Janeiro, amongst the COVID-19pandemic. The ruling was achieved through an Internal Grievance,with numeration 0025125-67.2020.8.19.0000.